Draw Circle With Canvas In Jetpack Compose.

Jayant Kumar🇮🇳
4 min readJan 7, 2024
Photo by Erlend Ekseth on Unsplash

Hello everyone , In this article we will draw a circle through Canvas in Jetpack Compose. I already wrote an article about drawing a line .

To draw a circle you need of two things only —

  • Canvas composable function
  • drawCircle function
fun DrawCircle() {

Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
color = Color.Red,
radius = size.minDimension / 4,

As you can see above , we called Canvas composable function and given the full size to the screen.

After that called drawCircle() function which will draw the circle.

  • radius will be your size of the circle.

here size.minDimension will find the size of the canvas.

  • By default circle will be drawn at the centre of the screen.

If you want somewhere else on the screen then -

color = Color.Red,
radius = size.minDimension / 4,
center = Offset(size.width/2,size.height/4)

use the center parameter , and provide the Offset . it takes two parameters.

  • x — it will move horizontally , if you increase the value of x
  • y — it will move vertically if you increase the value of y.

If you want to provide little faded of Red color then -

color = Color.Red,
radius = size.minDimension / 4,
center = Offset(size.width / 2, size.height / 4),
alpha = 0.5f

use alpha parameter , By default value will be 1.0f.

If you don’t want any color , want only border then -

color = Color.Red,
radius = size.minDimension / 4,
center = Offset(size.width / 2, size.height / 4),
alpha = 1f,
style = Stroke(
width = 10f

use style parameter and use Stroke , by default DrawStyle.Fill .

Draw a Car with Line and Circle through Canvas

fun CarCanvas() {
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), contentAlignment = Alignment.Center) {
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = 20.dp)
) {
val width = size.width
val height = size.height
color = Color.Red,
start = Offset(x = 0f, y = height / 4),
end = Offset(x = width / 5, y = height / 4),
strokeWidth = 5f
color = Color.Red,
start = Offset(x = width / 3, y = 0f),
end = Offset(x = width / 5, y = height / 4),
strokeWidth = 5f
color = Color.Red,
start = Offset(x = width / 3, y = 0f),
end = Offset(x = width - 300, y = 0f),
strokeWidth = 5f
color = Color.Red,
start = Offset(x = width - 300, y = 0f),
end = Offset(x = width - 200, y = height / 4),
strokeWidth = 5f
color = Color.Red,
start = Offset(x = width - 200, y = height / 4),
end = Offset(x = width, y = height / 4),
strokeWidth = 5f
color = Color.Red,
start = Offset(x = width, y = height / 4),
end = Offset(x = width, y = height / 2),
strokeWidth = 5f
color = Color.Red,
start = Offset(x = width, y = height / 2),
end = Offset(x = width - 200, y = height / 2),
strokeWidth = 5f
color = Color.Red,
start = Offset(x = 0f, y = height / 4),
end = Offset(x = 0f, y = height / 2),
strokeWidth = 5f
color = Color.Red,
startAngle = 180f,
sweepAngle = 180f,
useCenter = false,
topLeft = Offset(x = width / 5, y = height / 2.45f),
style = Stroke(width = 5f),
size = Size(200f, 200f)
color = Color.Red,
start = Offset(x = (width / 5) + 200, y = height / 2),
end = Offset(x = (width / 5) + 380, y = height / 2),
strokeWidth = 5f
color = Color.Red,
start = Offset(x = 0f, y = height / 2),
end = Offset(x = width / 5, y = height / 2),
strokeWidth = 5f
color = Color.Red,
startAngle = 180f,
sweepAngle = 180f,
useCenter = false,
topLeft = Offset(x = width - 400, y = height / 2.45f),
style = Stroke(width = 5f),
size = Size(200f, 200f)

// tires
color = Color.Red,
radius = 75f,
center = Offset(x = (width / 5) + 100, y = height / 2)
color = Color.Red,
radius = 75f,
center = Offset(x = (width / 5) + 480, y = height / 2)
// road
color = Color.Red,
start = Offset(x = 0f, y = height / 1.7f),
end = Offset(x = width, y = height / 1.7f),
strokeWidth = 5f,
pathEffect = PathEffect.dashPathEffect(floatArrayOf(10f, 20f), 25f)


That’s all for today’s my friends , Hope you enjoyed and learnt something new from this article.



Jayant Kumar🇮🇳

Hello , My name is Jayant, I am a tech youtuber and software Engineer from India 🇮🇳